Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gable Lafourche x Fiesty Talent

V12 Pedigrees send their congratulations to breeder Scott Mcguinness on his Gable Lafourche x Fiesty Talent bitch breaking the WESTPOINT GREYHOUND CENTRE (QLD) track record - recording 17.38 (previous record 17.47).

Fiesty Talent (Silver Saul x M'Lady's Fool) a city winner around Albion Park from a litter that amassed $30,000 in prize money - was bred and given away upon retirement [on a pup basis] to Scott by V12 Pedigrees - along with the sire choice of Gable Lafourche. To Scott's credit, he followed the mating plan to the letter and has been rewarded with a great start to his and Fiesty Talent's breeding career.

Final break in report: from the rearer/breaker quote "Just a short note to let you know that the litter is finished break in and the 17.38 went 17.19 and the white and fawn bitch went 17.57 and she is for sale at $10,000 let me know if you are interested..." end quote

Fingers crossed the litter lives up to its break in report!

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